
Archive for the ‘US elections’ Category

Americans Never Quit. We Never Surrender.

In John McCain, US elections on 05/11/2008 at 8:00 pm

It is easy to give a victory speech. The thrill of winning is with you. Your supporters are cheering that you won. And you can be as gracious as you want to be. It is very much different when you have to make a concession speech. Normally you say a few words to thank your supporters, you congratulate the candidate, then leave. But tonight I do believe that John McCain gave the best speech of his life. It wasn’t the speech that he wanted to give tonight, but I do believe in the long run of history, his will go down as the most memorable speeches of this election.

Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you for coming here on this beautiful Arizona evening.

My friends, we have — we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly.

A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama to congratulate him.

To congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.

In a contest as long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance. But that he managed to do so by inspiring the hopes of so many millions of Americans who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an American president is something I deeply admire and commend him for achieving.

This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight.

I’ve always believed that America offers opportunities to all who have the industry and will to seize it. Sen. Obama believes that, too.

But we both recognize that, though we have come a long way from the old injustices that once stained our nation’s reputation and denied some Americans the full blessings of American citizenship, the memory of them still had the power to wound.

A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt’s invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters.

America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time. There is no better evidence of this than the election of an African-American to the presidency of the United States.

Let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on Earth.

Sen. Obama has achieved a great thing for himself and for his country. I applaud him for it, and offer him my sincere sympathy that his beloved grandmother did not live to see this day. Though our faith assures us she is at rest in the presence of her creator and so very proud of the good man she helped raise.

Sen. Obama and I have had and argued our differences, and he has prevailed. No doubt many of those differences remain.

These are difficult times for our country. And I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face.

I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together to find the necessary compromises to bridge our differences and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited.

Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans. And please believe me when I say no association has ever meant more to me than that.

It is natural. It’s natural, tonight, to feel some disappointment. But tomorrow, we must move beyond it and work together to get our country moving again.

We fought — we fought as hard as we could. And though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours.

I am so deeply grateful to all of you for the great honor of your support and for all you have done for me. I wish the outcome had been different, my friends.

The road was a difficult one from the outset, but your support and friendship never wavered. I cannot adequately express how deeply indebted I am to you.

I’m especially grateful to my wife, Cindy, my children, my dear mother and all my family, and to the many old and dear friends who have stood by my side through the many ups and downs of this long campaign.

I have always been a fortunate man, and never more so for the love and encouragement you have given me.

You know, campaigns are often harder on a candidate’s family than on the candidate, and that’s been true in this campaign.

All I can offer in compensation is my love and gratitude and the promise of more peaceful years ahead.

I am also — I am also, of course, very thankful to Gov. Sarah Palin, one of the best campaigners I’ve ever seen, and an impressive new voice in our party for reform and the principles that have always been our greatest strength, her husband Todd and their five beautiful children for their tireless dedication to our cause, and the courage and grace they showed in the rough and tumble of a presidential campaign.

We can all look forward with great interest to her future service to Alaska, the Republican Party and our country.

To all my campaign comrades, from Rick Davis and Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter, to every last volunteer who fought so hard and valiantly, month after month, in what at times seemed to be the most challenged campaign in modern times, thank you so much. A lost election will never mean more to me than the privilege of your faith and friendship.

I don’t know — I don’t know what more we could have done to try to win this election. I’ll leave that to others to determine. Every candidate makes mistakes, and I’m sure I made my share of them. But I won’t spend a moment of the future regretting what might have been.

This campaign was and will remain the great honor of my life, and my heart is filled with nothing but gratitude for the experience and to the American people for giving me a fair hearing before deciding that Sen. Obama and my old friend Sen. Joe Biden should have the honor of leading us for the next four years.

I would not — I would not be an American worthy of the name should I regret a fate that has allowed me the extraordinary privilege of serving this country for a half a century.

Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much. And tonight, I remain her servant. That is blessing enough for anyone, and I thank the people of Arizona for it.

Tonight — tonight, more than any night, I hold in my heart nothing but love for this country and for all its citizens, whether they supported me or Sen. Obama — whether they supported me or Sen. Obama.

I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe, always, in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.

Americans never quit. We never surrender.

We never hide from history. We make history.

Thank you, and God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you all very much.

Tonight the nation listen to this speech from one of the greatest living patriots this nation has. I am saddened that he did not prevail in this election, but given his words, proud of being a part of a nation that has spawned such a man.

Congratulations to Barack Hussein Obama on his victory. And here at Monkey in the Middle we will be keeping an eye on you and the Congress. We will hold your feet to the fire and keep you from trying to turn this nation into a carbon copy of Europe. You have to remember that we are not Europeans and do not wish to have many of their values on us.

What ever may come in the next 4 years, one thing is certain. The media will start to talk about the 2012 elections some time within the next week. And we won’t hear the end of that until November 7th, 2012.

Shades of 2000?

In Absentee Ballots, U.S. Military, US elections on 05/11/2008 at 4:53 am

In the year 2000, the State of Florida had a problem with their ballots as we all can remember very well. The term dangling chad entered the lexicon and the election was finally decided by the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore.

Now the same might happen in this election.

A federal judge has ordered election officials in Virginia to preserve late-arriving absentee ballots that Republican John McCain’s campaign claims should be counted.

The McCain campaign says in a lawsuit that absentee ballots weren’t mailed on time to many military members serving overseas. The complaint asks the court to order the state to count absentee ballots from overseas troops postmarked by Tuesday and received by Nov. 14.

The deadline for ballots to be received is 7 p.m. on Election Day.

U.S. District Judge Richard Williams said Tuesday that he will hear the lawsuit on Nov. 10. He ordered election officials to keep the late-arriving ballots until then.

It isn’t the fault of the military men and women of the State of Virginia that they didn’t receive their ballots in time. It is the fault of the Registar of Voters of Virginia. The ballots should be counted.

If the vote is close, then each of the Absentee Votes should and must be counted.

This could go on for weeks again. And who knows what the outcome could be.

Dear Mr. Obama

In Barack Hussein Obama, US elections on 04/11/2008 at 9:00 pm

Cross posted from Miss Beth’s Victory Dance

I was alerted to this video from a post of Laer’s at Real Clear Politics. It’s short, sweet and says it all.

Oh, and as I post this, there are currently 12,051,856 hits on YouTube. The video is below:

View at YouTube

Like I said, short, sweet and to the point. McCain/Palin 08

Flight 93: Truth suppression can give us a hijacked presidency as easily as a hijacked memorial

In Barack Hussein Obama, Flight 93 Memorial, US elections on 04/11/2008 at 7:20 am
Lesson for the Obamamedia: threats you try to cover up will be inevitably be realized

The Obamamedia is acting exactly like the Memorial Project. Both are avoiding and suppressing massive evidence of hostile intent. The willful blindness of the Memorial Project will only give us a humiliating but very survivable terrorist memorial mosque. An Obama victory will give us a president who is committed to rapid retreat from victory in Iraq, to unilateral disarmament, and to making energy prices “skyrocket”; a president whose mentors are the Reverend “God DAMN America” Wright and domestic terrorist William Ayers, who is already engaged in systematic election fraud and who maintains extensive ties to Islamofascists while lying about his Muslim upbringing. All of this is easily documented, and all of it is suppressed or whitewashed by America’s mainstream media.

The lesson of the flight 93 memorial is simple. Whatever dangers people try to wish away they are going to get smashed over the head with, for the simple reason that they have closed their eyes to the threat. They are ALLOWING it to proceed and smash them over the head. It is the negative version of the lesson of Flight 93. Heeding information from the ground that their plane was being used as a missile, the heroes of Flight 93 were able to stop the hijackers from reaching the nation’s capitol. At the opposite extreme, efforts to hide the truth have turned the Memorial Project and the Obamamedia into enablers of evil.

The election fraud example

While the blogosphere is afire with the discovery that Obama accepts false-name and false address credit card donations, allowing foreigners to donate and allowing everyone to evade campaign finance limits, the Obamamedia makes a front page “scandal” over the Republican National Committee buying a campaign wardrobe for Sarah Palin. When the Washington Post can no longer justify ignoring the donation fraud story, they run a blatant white wash, pretending that the McCain website has the same issues. Then they run a second whitewash, pretending that Obama is only accepting false-name and address donations from pre-paid credit cards, which everyone following the story online knows to be false.

Similarly for the massive and systematic ACORN vote fraud, and Obama’s years of close association with ACORN. The press desperately tries to cover up extensive evidence that Obama will aggressively try to steal elections so that this information won’t keep him from reaching the presidency, where he will have the POWER to steal elections. If this reality would only smash THEM over the heads, it wouldn’t be so bad, but it is ALL of us who are going to end up under the thumb of a Hugo Chavez style election stealer if the media keeps suppressing the evidence that Obama IS a Hugo Chavez style election stealer.

They don’t MEAN to usher in a usurper. They just want a Democrat to win, and because they refused to report Obama’s negatives during the primaries, Hillary Clinton lost and they are now stuck with a Democrat that only Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright would vote for if the facts were known. By the same token, the Memorial Project does not mean to build a terrorist memorial mosque, but because they have decided to avoid and suppress the evidence, that is what they are actually doing.

Pretending to have investigated warnings

Memorial Project Chairman John Reynolds dismisses the claim that the Tower of Voices is a year-round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial by claiming that ANY tower with a wall around it can be used as an Islamic sundial. When time for Islamic prayers comes, just mark the spot where the tower’s shadow crosses the wall and there you go.

Wrong. Islamic prayer times are determined by shadow length, not shadow angle. Prayer time markers must be placed a particular distance from the sundial’s gnomon, and must follow a particular arc. Chairman Reynolds’ misconception that Islamic prayer times can be marked by shadow angle proves that he never even looked at the sundial analysis (the subject of our last blogburst), yet here he is assuring the public that he has investigated this evidence of an al Qaeda sympathizing plot and found it to be a false alarm.

Same for the Obamamedia. They are pretending that they have vetted Obama when they have actually been protecting him from scrutiny.

How can it not be front page news that one of Obama’s closest political allies, his fellow Luo tribesman Raila Odinga, who rioted his way to the Prime Ministership of Kenya, is known to be lying about being a Christian? It turns out that this man who Obama traveled to Kenya to campaign for in 2006 is actually a secret Islamofascist, signing a secret document with Muslim leaders in which he first declares Islam to be the only true religion, then promises to impose Sharia law.

None of this is in question. The secret agreement became public when the Muslim leaders decided to brag about it. You can read Odinga’s admission of the secret agreement on his own website, yet it has never been mentioned in our mainstream media, just as Obama’s own lies about his Muslim background do not get reported. Testimony from childhood friends and from his own sister belie his claim to have been raised Christian rather than Muslim.

Deception is a virtue in Islam

It’s Obama’s deceit about his Muslim background that is damning. The Koran allows Muslims to lie about their religion in order to advance Islamic conquest, and Obama knows the Koran. He studied it in Arabic as a child (which is how he was able to sing the Shahada–the Muslim declaration of faith–for Nicholas Kristof in Arabic “with a first rate accent”: he was drilled on it). It is the fact that he lies about his past and his associations that gives the clearest indication that Obama actually is a secret Islamofascist.

Just the other day he claimed not to know about his illegal alien aunt, when it turns out his campaign has actually been tracking her.

Obama actually seems to exult in deception. Note the surreptitious fingers he gave to both Hillary and McCain. The obvious explanation is that deception is a virtue in Islam, so long as it is in the service of Islamic conquest. There is nothing wrong with tricking people in Obama’s mind because there is nothing wrong with tricking people in his religion.

Obama also has Nation of Islam people on his staff. NOI is our domestic Islamofascist group, specializing in anti-semitism and anti-white racism (al la Obama mentor Jeremiah Wright, who champions NOI leader Louis Farrakhan). One of Obama’s best dinner buddies is Palestinian terror supporter Rashid Khalidi. Obama’s cousin/buddy Odinga gets most of his funding from Moammar Ghaddafi. The terror ties go on and on, with all of it covered up by the Obamamedia. When Obama slips up and admits “my Muslim faith,” they even jump in to correct him.

If McCain possessed a single liability one tenth the magnitude of any of Obama’s, he would be gone in a week, yet a recent study shows that the media coverage of McCain has been twice as negative as the Obama coverage, even in the absence of any obvious negatives (beyond being much too far left for any real conservative, which is actually a positive vis a vis the radically leftist Obama).

Truth suppression can give us a hijacked presidency as easily as a hijacked memorial

Suppress evidence of Obama’s long and close relationship with domestic terrorist William Ayers and you get hit over the head with a president who has the same idea of “change” that Ayers does. Hide the Obama-ACORN-Fannie-Mae policies that caused the financial meltdown and you’ll get whacked with MORE meltdown. Bury Obama’s declared intent to use the phony religion of global warming alarmism to cut off our energy supply and destroy the U.S. economy, and we will get a destroyed economy.

Just look at the Memorial Project. In September 2005, when national controversy over the Crescent of Embrace first erupted, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette held a special meeting to discuss the discovery that the giant crescent (now called a broken circle) points almost exactly at Mecca. (That makes it a mihrab, the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built.) Faced with this explosive information, the Post-Gazette made a top editorial decision not to tell the public about the Mecca orientation of the crescent. (Crescent of Betrayal, Part II, Chapter 6, p 108.) As a result, we are still on track, three years later, to have a terrorist memorial mosque planted on the graves of our murdered heroes.

We are supposed to be vigilant now. We learned on 9-11 the nature of our Islamofascist enemies, that they hide amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends while perpetrating acts of war. Armed with this knowledge, as the passengers and crew of Flight 93 were, we think we will never sit still for a hijacking again. Yet our media still hopes to gain advantage from truth suppression, and so we find ourselves today on the brink of having a hijacker take over the Oval Office.

MSA Chapter Official: Don’t vote; Destroy

In ACT for America, Islam, Jihad, MSA, US elections on 01/11/2008 at 8:00 pm

In the final days of the 2008 Presidential election season – with just 6 days now remaining until voters cast their ballots – both campaigns are carefully maneuvering to gain an edge, while still others are singularly focused on just “getting out the vote.” Regardless of the outcome desired by these activists, there seems to be one unified message across the American political spectrum these days: Participate in our democratic system.

However, one college’s Muslim student organization has sought to air a completely different message regarding the election: that of the Islamists.

A student named Farhad Akbari posted an essay on the internal Yahoo! Group of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at San Diego Mesa College on October 14. In his post, “The Issue of Voting,” Akbari delves into the election, warning his fellow group members of the fate in store for those who cast a ballot for “a person who fights Islam, governs contrary to Islam, and is himself a kafir [infidel or unbeliever]…” Akbari does not reserve this treatment for any specific candidate. Rather, he holds both major party candidates in equal regard.

Continuing in his reproach of American democracy, Akbari writes:

“Whether you vote for the white kafir or the half-black kafir, they will kill our brothers and sisters. They will subjugate our brothers and sisters. And they will certainly support Israel in killing our brothers and sisters. There is no “lesser of two evils” here. They are both greater evils. The lesser evil is avoiding the situation, as both are equally poisonous to the cause of Islam…Brothers and sisters, I have one thing to say: DON”T [sic] VOTE.”

In most cases, publicly proclaiming one’s decision not to vote – even encouraging others to follow suit – would not be noteworthy. For better or worse, the right to vote in the U.S. democratic system includes the choice not to exercise that right. For many, this decision is one of protest – speaking out on a variety of concerns from the lack of third party viability, to the perceived unimportance of a single vote. “The Issue of Voting,” however, is in a league of its own, considering what Akbari, the MSA chapter Treasurer, proposes to be the real answer to Muslim grievances by invoking the words of Islamic scholars:

“Those who do not govern according to to [sic.] the (law) which Allah has revealed [Shari’ah law], verily, they are the kaafiroon…

Democracy, like all other systems fabricated by the minds of men are untenable in Islam. It is an un-Islamic system…[and] there is absolutely no basis anywhere in the Qur’aan for western democracy and its parliamentary system. A government of democracy is a government appointed by Juhhaal (ignoramuses). Ignoramuses, fussaaq and fujjaar have no share in appointing a government in Islam. The Islamic system is Khilaafat…”

The moral of the story: don’t support the “infidel” system; defeat democracy in the U.S. and replace it with Islamic law. So much for a mere protest.

While postings similar to Akbari’s do not appear to be common among the group, it is telling that not one person responded to challenge his argument (nor does it appear that anyone followed up in support either). Additionally, the fact that the MSA members voted in as Treasurer an individual whose MySpace page includes a photo of him wrapped in a kefiya (reminiscent of Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamist militants) with a caption reading “not shown: AK-47/Suicide bomb jacket strap/anthrax/airplane/boxcutter” leads to questions about the activities of the MSA chapter on the whole. Akbari’s newly created Facebook profile shows that he lists his “Political Views” as “Khilafa” – or a political system based on the Islamic caliphate and Shari’ah law.

As far as the chapter itself, it’s not clear whether the San Diego Mesa College MSA is directly affiliated with the Muslim Students’ Association – National (MSA) organization. The college’s chapter is not among those listed on the MSA – West Zone USA directory of chapters. However, as noted in the IPT’s dossier on the national, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the MSA has nearly 600 chapters, of which roughly 150 are directly affiliated.

MSA is a member organization of a national “taskforce” that recently sent out an “election advisory,” encouraging Muslims to “full[y] participat[e]” in elections on Tuesday.

However, it must be noted that the radical rhetoric being spewed in San Diego is not an anomaly among MSA chapters on campuses nationwide. At chapters across the U.S. and Canada, directly affiliated to the parent organization and not, Islamism and its hate-filled ideology is on full display. Take, for instance, the March 2003 account of Aaron Klein of, who, after secretly attending a private MSA (aka “Muslim only”) event at Queensborough Community College in Queens, NY, reported what he saw. According to Klein, one of the speakers at the event, Mohammad Faheed, blasted America and its democracy, and encouraged the audience to help bring about its demise:

“We are not Americans!” [Faheed] shouted. “We are Muslims! [The U.S.] is going to deport and attack us! It is us vs. them! Truth against falsehood! The colonizers and masters against the oppressed, and we will burn down the master’s house…we reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don’t lobby Congress or protest because we don’t recognize Congress! The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it!”

Faheed continued, paralleling Akbari’s more recent calls for Shari’ah:

“The so-called terrorists are the only people who truly fear Allah. We must join these organizations. They are the only worthy causes, and the mighty superpower only fears them…[the U.S.] is not strong. Vietnam, they lost. Somalia, they ran away from. America hasn’t won anything since World War II. We can defeat America…Eventually there will be a Muslim in the White House dictating the laws of the Shariah.”

Such radical sentiment against the United States rises to the highest levels of MSA leadership. At the April 2007 MSA-West Zone Conference, West Zone President Amir Mertaban told students their paramount loyalty is to Muslims first, no matter what they may do:

“Osama bin Laden – I don’t know this guy. I don’t know what he did. I don’t know what he said. I don’t know what happened. But we defend Muslim brothers and we defend our Muslim sisters to the end. Is that clear? I am not saying support terrorist acts. I am not saying any of that. I am saying generally speaking. If a man comes and robs a store – if you’re going to rob the store, go ahead and rob the store, are we going to condemn him? No, you support your Muslim brothers whether it is right or wrong. When they do wrong you grab them and you slap some sense into them, you’re doing wrong. You see what I am saying.

So you never compromise on your faith. You be confident in every aspect of life. In every aspect of Islam you are confident. Four wives? Yes men are allowed to have four wives within this context. Jihad? Yes Jihad! Jihad is the tightest thing in Islam. Don’t compromise on these little things. Be proud of it. Why? Because Islam is a perfect religion. If you sit here and you start saying, ‘Jihad is only an internal this and that,’ you are compromising on your faith.”

These comments beg the question: is it possible that the small, community college MSA chapters are as radical as some of their larger campus counterparts? San Diego Mesa College and Queensborough Community College – from two opposing coasts, both not directly affiliated with the national MSA, yet still espousing the same hate-filled and violent rhetoric seen at larger and more directly-affiliated chapters. It is clear that the Islamist infiltration goes far beyond what may first meet the eye.

From Monkey in the Middle:

The MSA is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. This organization is responsible for the assassinations of President Anwar Sadat in 1981, and Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Abdel Hadi Pasha in 1948. They propose a strict interpretation of Shar’ia law. In Egypt, they are a leading political party, trying to use the elections there to gain power. After such a gain, they will never give up power and Egypt will become like Iran, a fundamentalist Islamic nation.

And since Muslims can never be a majority here in the US, they are planning to use different methods to force this nation to become an Islamic regime. The Muslim Brotherhood knows it cannot win by the vote, so don’t vote. It must find a subterfuge to use against us. And when they find it, they believe that they will win.

When Mohammad Faheed said:

[the U.S.] is not strong. Vietnam, they lost. Somalia, they ran away from. America hasn’t won anything since World War II. We can defeat America…Eventually there will be a Muslim in the White House dictating the laws of the Shariah.

Could he have been thinking about Barack Hussein Obama? For there is no way a politician who is openly a Muslim could become President. This country would not elect him.

The MSA will continue to spout hatred on American campuses, while the administrations of those campuses allow them to continue in the name of diversity. It is only after an violent incident that will eventually occur that the Universities might try to rein this group in. But by then it will be too late. And we the citizen will be the one to suffer for their arrogance.

New Poll

In Polls, US elections on 29/10/2008 at 4:19 am

I have a new poll up here. I am hoping all will vote in it.

This weeks question:

Who are you voting for?

Alfred E. Newman
Still Undecided

Please vote!

Hamas is campaigning openly for Obama

In Barack Hussein Obama, Gaza, Hamas, US elections on 28/10/2008 at 8:00 pm

You get a phone call asking you to vote for Barack Hussein Obama and you say no. The caller on the other end is giving you reason after reason to vote for him and will not take no for an answer. You hang up on this rude caller and think that is that. But what you don’t know is that the caller for the Obama campaign is actually in Gaza and a member of Hamas.

A Palestinian Authority newspaper reported on Sunday that Arab residents of Gaza are randomly calling Americans at home in hopes of persuading them to vote for Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama in next month’s US presidential election.

The article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, first noted and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, quotes a young man from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region as saying, “We dial random numbers and try to call people [in the United States] without knowing their identity or their affiliation….” He reportedly uses “Internet sites that allow making free calls… in order to use them for the campaign supporting Obama.”

Abu Jayyab’s freelance phone campaign for Obama in the last weeks of the American presidential race has not been the first time the Illinois senator has gotten such help. An Al-Jazeera TV report during the Democratic primaries featured Abu Jayyab as well, when he was busy organizing calls to American voters to persuade them to vote for Obama over then-candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Other types of assistance have also been forthcoming from Gaza. In July of this year, Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog revealed documents purporting to show that the Obama campaign received nearly $30,000 from two brothers living in Rafiah, in Hamas-controlled Gaza, during 2007.

Earlier, during an April 2008 interview with WABC radio and WorldNetDaily, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s Gaza-based political advisor Ahmed Yousef said, “Actually, we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle.”

Full Story

Last summer Barack Hussein Obama met with Palestinian leaders. What secret deals did he make with them? Did he promise to invade Israel and give the whole nation to the Palestinians? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite who has sat at the feet of Reverend Wright for 20 years. The same Reverend Wright who thought that Hitler was a great man and didn’t go far enough.

Mark my word. This is a prophecy I now give you. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected to the Presidency of the United States, he will find an excuse to invade Israel within 3 years of his Presidency. No wonder why every terrorist group from CAIR to Hizbollah is openly supporting him with money and people.

Hamas is campaigning openly for Obama

In Barack Hussein Obama, Gaza, Hamas, US elections on 28/10/2008 at 8:00 pm

You get a phone call asking you to vote for Barack Hussein Obama and you say no. The caller on the other end is giving you reason after reason to vote for him and will not take no for an answer. You hang up on this rude caller and think that is that. But what you don’t know is that the caller for the Obama campaign is actually in Gaza and a member of Hamas.

A Palestinian Authority newspaper reported on Sunday that Arab residents of Gaza are randomly calling Americans at home in hopes of persuading them to vote for Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama in next month’s US presidential election.

The article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, first noted and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, quotes a young man from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region as saying, “We dial random numbers and try to call people [in the United States] without knowing their identity or their affiliation….” He reportedly uses “Internet sites that allow making free calls… in order to use them for the campaign supporting Obama.”

Abu Jayyab’s freelance phone campaign for Obama in the last weeks of the American presidential race has not been the first time the Illinois senator has gotten such help. An Al-Jazeera TV report during the Democratic primaries featured Abu Jayyab as well, when he was busy organizing calls to American voters to persuade them to vote for Obama over then-candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Other types of assistance have also been forthcoming from Gaza. In July of this year, Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog revealed documents purporting to show that the Obama campaign received nearly $30,000 from two brothers living in Rafiah, in Hamas-controlled Gaza, during 2007.

Earlier, during an April 2008 interview with WABC radio and WorldNetDaily, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s Gaza-based political advisor Ahmed Yousef said, “Actually, we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle.”

Full Story

Last summer Barack Hussein Obama met with Palestinian leaders. What secret deals did he make with them? Did he promise to invade Israel and give the whole nation to the Palestinians? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite who has sat at the feet of Reverend Wright for 20 years. The same Reverend Wright who thought that Hitler was a great man and didn’t go far enough.

Mark my word. This is a prophecy I now give you. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected to the Presidency of the United States, he will find an excuse to invade Israel within 3 years of his Presidency. No wonder why every terrorist group from CAIR to Hizbollah is openly supporting him with money and people.

The Ultimate Swing State

In Barack Hussein Obama, Israel, Swing States, US elections on 24/10/2008 at 12:53 am

When the pundits talk about swing states they forget about the fact that there are many voters who live outside the United States. Some are in the military and vote via absentee ballots. Others are Americans who choose to live overseas either because of their employment or for personal reasons.

One such group of Americans live in Israel, and with their numbers they can change the election in a number of swing states.

Approximately half of some 42,000 registered US voters living in Israel are voting in swing states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and could have an effect on the turnouts of those elections, according to Shimon Greenspan, director of the nonpartisan Vote From Israel organization, which helps Americans living in Israel to register and cast their absentee ballots.

“If the election is close, as it was in the past two [presidential] elections, then the deciding votes could be coming from Israel,” he said.

According to the organization, Israel has the third-largest group of American voters abroad, behind Canada and Britain.

While the largest number of registered US voters in Israel come from New York or New Jersey, two states heavily in the Democratic camp according to polls, the next two states are the key battlegrounds of Ohio and Florida. Several thousand votes will likely be going to those swing states from Israel.

Furthermore, the significance of the votes from Israel could be magnified because they will come well before the November 4 election. Their choices, to be reported next week in an Israel-based exit poll commissioned by Vote From Israel, could influence American Jews in the United States, believes Greenspan.

This could slightly help Republican hopeful John McCain if an August poll by KEEVOON Research, Strategy and Communications remains accurate. That poll, which surveyed Israelis generally and not American voters in the country, gave the Arizona senator some 38 percent support, compared to 31% for Democratic nominee Barack Obama.

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In Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania these overseas votes just might swing these states to John McCain.

It would be an interesting event if on November 4th Barack Hussein Obama discovers that he lost the Presidency due to Americans living in Israel. And it would be poetic justice upon him.

More Than 3,000 Academics Sign Pro-Ayers Petition

In Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Ayers, Education, Terrorism, US elections on 23/10/2008 at 8:00 pm

Bill Ayers, unrepentant terrorist, socialist educator, and good friend and co-worker of Barack Hussein Obama has gotten over 3000 of his colleagues to sign a petition in support of him.

More than 3,200 supporters — most of them educators — have signed a petition protesting what they say is the “demonization of Professor William Ayers,” asserting that his violent actions as the co-founder of the Weather Underground were just “history.”

And I suppose to these people 9/11 was just a series of airplane crashes. Moonbat alert here. There is a difference between being against the Vietnam War and actually planning a bombing that causes death. Their nice friend and colleague Bill and his wife would be in prison now if it wasn’t for technicalities in the law.

Among the people who signed the petition are No. 5, Columbia University professor of Arab studies Rashid Khalidi, and No. 814, former University of Colorado at Boulder professor Ward Churchill.

Churchill made headlines when he called the victims of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center “little Eichmanns” and compared them to Nazis in an essay. He was fired from his job in Boulder for plagiarism.

Khalidi, a Palestinian activist, was a director of the Palestinian Liberation Organization‘s press agency in 1982, according to The New York Times, when the PLO was still designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization.

Obama spent time with Khalidi when the two were professors in Chicago, and paid him a special tribute during a farewell dinner for the firebrand professor in 2003, reminiscing about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, according to the LA Times.

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Ward Churchill who is so ashamed of his nation that he condemns it on the day that we were attacked. And Rashid Khalidi is a member of a known terrorist organization. He was thrilled at the events of 9/11. Just like his fellow Palestinians were in the video below.

View at YouTube

You can find a copy of the petition here. And see the moonbats who have signed it.

Bill Ayers. Just another bad judgement call from Barack Hussein Obama.